This page provides a description of our main services, as well as external resources to further your understanding of how solar energy benefits our community.
Community Solar
“Community solar” typically refers to a solar array whose energy may not necessarily flow directly to its beneficiaries, but instead provides a credit on a subscriber’s electric bill every month. Subscribers may be businesses, organizations, communities, neighborhoods, or individuals who own or lease a share of the array. Importantly, portions of community solar installations are often reserved for individuals or families who are otherwise unable to afford or participate in more personal solar projects. Many states in the US now have community solar policy in place which allow their residents to share in these benefits.
Due to Ohio’s lack of true community solar policy, Glass City Community Solar has reframed the concept of community solar as solar for the community. We primarily partner with the management of subsidized housing to install solar power systems that will benefit low-income residents. We have also worked with other non-profits and community organizations on solar projects large and small. GCCS happily takes part in any project that leads to more carbon-free solar in our community.
Solar on Your Roof
Rooftop solar is a great way to lower your personal carbon footprint. Glass City Community Solar is not directly involved in the installation of rooftop solar on personal housing, but we are able to refer you to useful resources and trusted installers so that you can make the best decisions about solar on your rooftop or property.
If you are considering solar for your home’s roof, we recommend reading “40 Questions to Ask An Installer.”
If you still have questions, feel free to reach out using our Contact page.
For larger commercial projects, we offer what we call a “first look” viability analysis in which we design and evaluate potential solar arrays to help you better understand your options. Our volunteers use a software called Aurora Solar to map real images of your rooftop (or land area) and model the electrical and financial returns of realistic solar arrays based on a sample utility bill. Is your business or organization interested in solar? Contact us!
Here are some examples of what we can do: